5 Ways To Get Your Prospects To Know, Like And Trust You

If you have an online home business, you need to constantly be on the lookout for new customers. When prospective customers know, like and trust you, they are more likely to buy from you.

To do this, you have to show that you are a legitimate business who understands what your audience wants and that you are able to deliver it to them. Even though the internet can be an impersonal space, here are 5 methods that you can use in your online home business so that your prospects come to know, like and trust you.

1. Understand Your Target Audience

One way to get customers to your online home business is to spend time with them. Social media sites provide an ideal place to comment and interact with your audience. Also, make comments on blogs and forums within your niche where prospects will start to notice you. As you make yourself known you'll become seen as the go to person that people turn to for help.

2. Offer More Than Your Competition

Have a look at your competition to see what they are doing and aim to deliver more. Have a clear reason why people should buy from you instead of somebody else. Don't forget to always offer an unconditional money back guarantee if customers are not completely satisfied. This guarantee period, usually valid for 30 to 60 days after purchase, enables your customer to trust you and proves that you're not just out to make a quick buck.

3. Never Stop Learning

Never sit back and think that you know everything. By learning new skills and techniques that you can apply to your online home business it not only will help you to reach more customers but it will also mean that you can pass knowledge onto your prospects. They will see you as a leader in your field which will earn you their trust.

4. Provide Variety

Prospects will like it if you mix and match your products or combine them as one to sell as a special offer. Break down products into several products such as short reports for those customers who would rather start small with you than jump all in with a more substantial purchase.

5. Vary Your Marketing Methods

Don't just rely on one marketing strategy to reach new prospects. Some of your customers make like written content and some may prefer videos or podcasts. Interviews with leading experts in your niche also work very well and can develop your reputation.